Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Why is the world we live in so cold? Why is there war rather than peace, hate rather than love, diseases without cures? Don't you ever just stop and ask yourself, what would the world be like if everyone loved eachother equally? If every country along with it's citizens made peace with eachother rather than war? And what if they had finally discovered a cure for all those millions of diseases that claim the lives of innocent people every day?

Why is there so much hate? Why is it that people can automatically assume something about someone rather than take the time and make the effort to get to know them first? Why is discrimination still a major issue in todays society? Why can't a same sex couple have all the same benefits as a heterosexual couple? Why is racism still a primary issue? Why is slavery not a thing of the past? Why is human trafficing still around? If we took the time and worked together, most of these issues would be non-existant.

Rather than thinking so much of ourselves, we should all become a little less selfish and a lot more selfless. A lot of us take life for granted, life is short so embrace it. Love unconditionally and live life to the fullest. Give until you no longer can and reach out your hand to someone who desperately needs it, because you never know; one day it could be you.

"I truly believe that individuals can make a difference in society. Since periods of change such as the present one come so rarely in human history, it is up to each of us to make the best use of our time to help create a happier world." ~ Dalai Lama